Blogs Are the Light

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Olympics ban athletes from blogging -

Olympics ban athletes from blogging -

Unless they had a blog beforehand about something dissimilar, olympic athletes cannot have blogs.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The key, not the rug

I am not opposed to the notion of advertising in media.
In Lee Hills Hall, an engraving says advertising is the key to a free press. However, I think advertising has become more like the rug. I think this because anything the press does that is in any way critical of business causes the rug to be pulled out from under them.

So, I support the key...but not the rug.

Media intervention

I had a very interesting conversation with my boss today. I was talking about media insitutions, and my fears that business has too much influence over what doesn't get printed/broadcast. He expressed similar concerns, but articulated that their must be some concessions made, or business will take out their ad funding and bankrupt papers. He cited that if GM has a part that might cause problems, is it really worth trying to make people aware if the paper might subsequently have to shut down?

Yes, because it's our fucking media, NOT their fucking media.

First, I don't think that any newspaper gets the predominance of their funds from one advertiser. Second, in an ideal world where information was free and prioritized in accordance of risk of injury/death, need to know, civic duty, etc. (order as you like), I am fairly confident that the risk of 1,000 people dying is more important to society than is the need for GM to make a bit more profit. What's more, I feel that GM should go out of their way to make it known that their vehicle has a defective part, and could cause serious injury. It reminds me of the formula used in Fight Club - if the amount of deaths x average settlement costs less than a full recall, they just don't do one. Sick.

Moreover, I think if media would grow a set of balls (this is assuming they weren't just appendages of business in the first place), they could fight back. If an advertiser took away funds because I ran a factually based story about them, I CONSIDER THAT BIG NEWS, and if I were a managing editor I would gloat about this on the next day's front page. Media institutions belong to society. They lend businesses the right to advertise on them. They exist to serve me information, not for business to serve me hook line and sinker.

They'll play by our rules, or we'll go somewhere else.

Flying Spaghetti Monsterism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Flying Spaghetti Monsterism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I especially liked the underlying reasoning for the use of the term "Invisible Pink Unicorn..."

Citizen Journalism about Hurricane Katrina

This just came across the desk of the digital missourian...while this is a very sad issue otherwise, I am particularly interested in the length people will go to to communicate, and what limitations such as loss of electricity or a home urge people to do via improvisation...

Of course, I also hope people give to the Red Cross to help said people!

Jeremy my family is in new orleans and they said the local fast food chain krystal burgers has wireless so everyone is racing their. they are only talking via internet right now. everyone is using this site and go to communities or for sale. some heated debate is started about recovery, mops, insurance, etc. that's where she said locals are giving their stories right now.
she said she'll send pictures as soon as she can.
oh and,
i just submitted a story she wrote for me but i don't know if it went through. here it is again:

Cynthia Rico, General Manager of Lakewood Country Club, born and raised in the Irish Channel of New Orleans, current resident of Algiers, LA.

I’m really worried right now. I have all my employees right there on the edge of the levee. I told Roland to go to the hospital, but all the hospitals are flooded. Craig’s list is listing the stories. Listing stories and telling people to pray and stuff like that. I have to give my employees cash. They don't have any cash, I know Geraldine doesn't have any cash. It’s the first of the month, they cant get their Government checks and even if they can the banks are going to be closed, so I have to head back tonight to pay them. The roof came off the superdome, and Brian (cousin and officer still in New Orleans says the roof of our house is gone). They tell you to bring your own food in the Superdome and people criticize people for looting, but what else can you do? They can’t pay for the stuff. Who cares anyway? It’ll all go bad anyway. If you can imagine me, Gus, Oscar, Patsy, Xiomara, Maya, my momma, all stuffed into one house with no roof and no electricity. The on!
ly place you can get free internet is the Krystal hamburger shop. We're looking for somebody who has some form of electricity. 750,000 people lost electricity, so you know we’re looking for those 300,000 that have it. We took Mrs. Grace and Barbara in the caravan. Thirteen hours to get what usually takes us three hours. We're going to be driving our car going as fast as we need to go. Isabelle, my partner wants to come back because her ex-husband stayed here and she hasn’t heard from him since last night at nine pm. She should stay here but she won't. My employees didn't even go to the superdome, two of them, their wives are sick, she just had her leg cut off so they had to stay. St. Bernard got it the worst, St. Bernard and Chalmette. Buildings collapsed. Whatever you think, they should just let people come in and take their groceries, nobody can check you out, let everybody take whatever they need to. People are going to be without stuff for months. People are!
on the roofs of their houses in the ninth ward because the pumps brok
e. Their houses are under five to six feet of rising water, because pumps are failing. We really are lucky it just didn't destroy the whole city. They don't have electricity so they can't charge their cell phone. People are charging their phones in their car. It'll be a month before we get electricity back. No schools, everything is cancelled. That coffee shop in city park, plantation coffee house, is under water. The first floor of East Jefferson hospital is completely under water. Well I’ll send photographs as soon as I get home. I just hope we’re civil.

As someone said in Craig's List, in an up to date discussion board about Katrina, "If one penny of federal assistance goes to pay for clean-up for a city below sea level, then i think we (as the rest of the country) have the right to say you will rebuild New Orleans on higher ground." It's all just starting.

Monday, August 29, 2005 Citizen Journalists: Send your pictures, video, stories Citizen Journalists: Send your pictures, video, stories

(this was done in London after the bombings...let's see how it works when people are doing without necessities (such as electricity, in this case) ~J Littau


CNN wants to know how the 2005 hurricane season is affecting you. Send us your thoughts and stories. The best stories include details, the more the better.

Some of the videos, photos and audio submitted may be selected for use in's Hurricane Season special report, CNN television programming or other CNN programming services about hurricanes, so by sending information you are agreeing to our terms of use.

Please include the following information with your submission: Your name, phone number, e-mail address, and hometown.

Fill out a quick and easy form on our Web site.

Please include the following information with your submission: Your name, phone number, e-mail address, hometown and a short caption that describes what is happening in your video/photo/audio and where and when it was taken.

E-mail multimedia submissions to

Choreo Media

choreomedia | columns
Craig Weiland's August post to the CoMo Biz Times.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

When People Pay What They Think Content Is Worth

When People Pay What They Think Content Is Worth

Democratization of the media will be aided much by the implementation of a business model that cannot be financially undercut...thus Google's success. But can this be done on a scale massive enough to make it work...?

Saturday, August 20, 2005



Curt Wohleber, a digital mastermind and professor at MU, has his own highly entertaining blog.

Micro Persuasion

Micro Persuasion

A resource for forthcoming news on blogs, podcasting, and RSS feeds.

Yahoo! Health Blog For Hope

Yahoo! Health Blog For Hope

Celebrities discuss, in blog format, their personal encounters or battles with cancer.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Macromedia - Studio 8 : Customers : University of Missouri

We made it onto Macromedia's site!

Macromedia - Studio 8 : Customers : University of Missouri

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Blogging as You Go Belly Up

This guys business started tanking soon after he began blogging, and his blog chronicles his downfall.

Still, he sees technology as a good and business-friendly thing.

Blogging as You Go Belly Up Blogs by category

Wow, lots of blogs to choose from! Best of the Web Best of the Web

Reviews of Marketing uses for Blogs... Best of the Web

The New York Times> Search> Abstract

Marketers look to whore out RSS...already.

Marketers see Opportunity as a Web Tool Gains Users